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Monday 28 August 2017

Bài 13: Making number from the given digit


Hi Starry! Let us some fun with the dices. Here I throw the dices.

Look at the digit on the face.
They are 3 and 6.       
Now Starry, make numbers using these digit only once.
That is make sure that the digits are not repeated.
Good! Using the digits 3 and 6 only once, we can make the numbers 36 and 63.

Let us try one more.
This time the digits are 7 and 5, using the digits 7 and 5 only once we can make the numbers 75 and 57.
Good Starry!

Um, now using the digits 5, 3 and 9 only once make the smallest and the biggest number Starry.
Ok, remove that frown from your face.
Arrange the digits in the ascending order that is 3, 5, 9.
Now make the smallest three digit number Starry.
Good! The smallest three digit is 359.
Now arrange the digits in the descending order and make the biggest three digit number Starry.
In the descending order is 9, 5, and 3.
So the biggest three digit number is 953.

Starry, now something more interesting for you.
Use the digits 7, 6, 0 to make the biggest and the smallest possible three-digit number.
Ok! Let us get the answer together.
The numbers formed by using three digits only once are 760, 670, 706, 607, 076, and 067.
But Starry, 076 and 067 are not three digit numbers.
There are two digit numbers.
So the smallest three digit number is 607.
And the biggest three digit number is 760.

Let us do an activity.
Using the given digits only once, make the biggest and the smallest possible three digit number.
Using 5, 1, 9 the smallest number made is 159 and the biggest number is 951.

Using 0, 3, 4 the smallest number made is 304 and  the biggest number is 430.
Using 7, 2, 6 the smallest number made is 267 and the biggest number is 762.

Here is another activity, Starry.
Read the numbers made by using the given digits.
Circle the smallest number.
In the first set of numbers, the smallest number is 167.
In the second set of numbers, the smallest number is 248.
In the third set of numbers, the smallest number is 359.

Let us do another activity.
Read the numbers made by using the given digits and circle the biggest number.
In the first set of numbers, the biggest number is 981.
In the second set of numbers, the biggest number is 652.
In the third set of numbers, the biggest number is 741.

Learning how to make three digit number from the given digits is easy.
Isn't it?
Bye bye.


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