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Monday 28 August 2017

Bài 7: Biggest and smallest number


Starry, you have already studied about bigger numbers and smaller numbers.
 Let us do an activity.

Find the biggest and the smallest number and fill the table.
Look Starry, in the first set of the number.
42 is the biggest number, and 15 is the smallest number.

In the second set, 71 is the biggest number, and 22 is the smallest number.
In the third set, 69 is the biggest number, and 36 is the smallest number. Good Starry!

Now telling me among 83, 314, and 9. Which is the biggest number and which is the smallest number?
You are right! 9 is a one digit number. 
83 is a two digit number, and 314 is a three digit number.
So three digit number 314 is the biggest number, and one digit number 9 is the smallest number.

Um, Starry! Now look at these numbers, they are all three digit number.
Do you remember how we find out the biggest and the smallest numbers?
Let us look at the digit and the hundred places?

In 412, the digit in the hundred places is 4. In 315, the digit in the hundred places is 3.
In 278, the digit in the hundred places is 2.
The digit 4 in the hundred places is greater than 3 and 2, and the digit 2 in the hundred places is smaller than 3 and 4.
Hence, the biggest number is 412, and the smallest number is 278.

Hey Starry, look here .
The numbers are 151, 136, and 149.
How will you compare them Starry?
All these number have 1 in the hundred places.
You are right! So we will observe the digit in the tens places.

Now help me out Starry. Compare 5, 3, and 4.
Which are in the tens places of these numbers?
Good! 5 is greater than 3 and 4, and 3 is smaller than 4 and 5.
So the biggest number is 151, and the smallest number is 136.

Now telling me the smallest and the biggest number. Out of 604, 607, and 601.
In all three numbers, 6 is in the hundred places, and 0 is in the tens places.
So what should we do, Starry? Yes, you are right.
We look at the digit in the unit places. Um, so out of 4, 7, and 1 which is in the unit places.
1 is the smallest, and 7 is the biggest digit.
So 607 is the biggest number, and 601 is the smallest number.

Good ,Starry! Now which of the numbers 304, 631, 150, and 269 is the biggest and the smallest?
Good, 631 is the biggest number, and 150 is the smallest number.

Good! Let us do another activity.
Write the biggest and the smallest of the following numbers.
In the first set, the biggest number is 312 and the smallest number is 6.
In the second set, the biggest number is 962, and the smallest number is 129.
In the third set, the biggest number is 728, and the smallest number is 243.
In the fourth set, the biggest number is 842, and the smallest number is 500.

Good! Now circle the smallest of these numbers.
In the first set 183 is the smallest number.
In the second set the smallest number is 444.
In the third set the smallest number is 101.
Now circle the biggest of these numbers.
In the first set the biggest number is 521.

In the second set the biggest number is 736.
In the third set the biggest number is 866.

Good! Now you know how to compare numbers and find the biggest and the smallest number from the set of number.


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