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Monday 28 August 2017

Bài 10: Multiplications word problems


Starry, I promised my 6 friends that I would given them chocolates today.
If I have to give each friend 2 chocolates than how many chocolates should I have with me? 
Oh, what are you calculating Starry?
Oh, you are adding two chocolates six times.
So we get 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 is equal to 12.
Starry, don't you think we can multiply 2 and 6 and get the answer.
See 2 multiply by 6 means two sixes are 12.
 So, I will have to take 12 chocolates with me.

Starry, just like addition and subtraction.
While solving multiplication problems , we have to find what is given and then what is to be found out?
Then solve the problems. 

Now, let us read this problem.
8 friends were travelling by bus. They had to pay rupees 4 for each ticket.
How much money they had to pay for all the tickets?
What has been given in this problem Starry?
Yes, it is given that the cost of one tickets is rupees 4.
The total number of tickets is 8. 
We have to find the total amount of money.
So we shall multiply 4 by 8.
How much is four eights are Starry?
Yes, 32.
So, they need 32 rupees in all to buy 8 tickets.

Let solve the next one.
There were 6 pencils in a box.
Ali purchased 5 such boxes.
How many pencils does he have in all?
It is given that Ali purchased 5 boxes of pencils, each box has 6 pencils.
What do we have to find out?
We have to find the total number of pencils with Ali.
Can you solve this problem Starry?     
Yes, it’s simple.
We have to multiply 5 by 6, so five sixes are 30.
Thus, Ali purchased 30 pencils in all.

Should we solve the next example Starry?
Ok, then let read it.
One rabbit has 2 ears, How many ears do 10 rabbits have?
What should we do Starry?
Yes, multiply 2 by 10, two tens are 20. So, ten rabbits have 20 ears all together.

Let us solve the last example.
Sarita reads 3 pages of a story book everyday.
How many pages can she read in 7 days?
In one day Sarita read 3 pages. So, in 7 days Sarita can read 3 multiply by 7 pages.
Do you know what the answer it Starry?
Yes, three  sevens are 21. So, Sarita can read 21 pages in 7 days.

Starry, sloving multiplication word problems also helps us in day-to-day life.


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