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Monday 28 August 2017

Bài 2: Telling the time


Stary you have such a beautiful clock in your hand.
But why you look so sad.
Don’t you know how to tell the time?
Oh, don’t worry. I will teach you.

Telling the time when the minute hand is on 12.
Stary, look at your clock.
The minute hand is the big hand and the hour hand is the small hand.
Here, the minute hand is on 12 and the hour hand is on 2.
So the time is 2 o’clock. 

Now, the minute hand is on 12 and the hour hand is on 6.
So the time is 6 o’clock.
Here , the minute hand is on 12 but the hour hand has shifted to 8.
So, Stary the time at now is 8 o’clock.

Let us do an interesting activity.
Look at the clock and write the time in the box below.
The time shows in the first clock is 3 o’clock.
The time shows in the second clock is 5 o’clock.
The time shows in the third clock is 7 o’clock.
The time shows in the fourth clock is 10 o’clock.
Telling the time when the minute hand is on 3.
Now, let us learn how to tell the time when the minute hand is on 3.

In this clock the minute hand is on 3 and the hour hand has passed 1.
So we say that the time is a quarter past 1.
And in this clock Starry, the minute hand is on 3 but the hour hand has passed 6.
So,the time is a quarter past 6.

Here is another clock Stary in which the minute hand is on 3 but the hour hand has passed 8.
So the time is a quarter past 8.

Now, let us revise what we have learnt.
Look at the clock and write the time

The first clock shows a quarter past 11
The second clock shows a quarter past 12.
The third clock shows a quarter past 5.
The fourth clock shows a quarter past 9

Good! now match the time with the clock.
The first clock shows a quarter past 2
The second clock shows a quarter past 10
The third clock shows a quarter past 7
The fourth clock shows a quarter past 3

Starry, Let us revise how to tell the time when the minute hand is on 12 and when it is on 3.
Stary, write the time I showed by the clock.
2 o’clock, 8 o’clock, quarter past 6, quarter past 9.
Good, Stary! You have done a great job.

Now let us learn how to tell the time when the minute hand is on 6.
Look at the clock, Stary.
Here, the minute hand is on 6 and the hour hand is between 2 and 3.

So ,we say that the time is haft past 2.
Now, let us keep the minute hand on 6 and shift the hour hand between 6 and 7.

Now the time is haft past 6.
Oh, stary! Now you have kept the minute hand is on 6 and the hour hand is between 10 and 11.
So the time is haft past 10.

Let us do an activity.
Look at the clock and write the time.
The first clock shows haft past 8.
The second clock shows haft past 5
The third clock shows haft past 12.
The fourth clock shows haft past 9.

Now, let us do something interesting.
The cartoon Cyril begins at haft past 4
The cartoon Cyril ends at haft past 5
Children went out to play at haft past 3
Children returned from play at haft past 7.

Stary, come on, let us revise telling the time.
Write the time as shown by the clock.

Quarter past 4
Haft past 11
9 o’clock
Very good, Stary!
Now let us teach you how to read the time when the minute hand is on 9.

Telling the time when the minute hand is on nine.
Look at the clock, the minute hand is on 9 and the hour hand is between 12 and 1, but closer to 1.
The time is a quarter to 1.
Now the minute hand is on 9. And the hour hand is between 5 and 6.
So the time is a quarter to 6.

Look at the clock now.
Here again,  the minute hand is on 9 but the hour hand is between 11 and 12.
So the time is a quarter to 12.

Let us now revise what we have learnt.
Look at the clock and write the time.
The time on the first clock is a quarter to 8.
The time on the second clock is a quarter to 3.
The time on the third clock is a quarter to 12.
The time on the fourth clock is a quarter to 1.


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