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Sunday 27 August 2017

Bài 13: Basic subtracing


Subtraction-word problems.
Starry, you do spend a lot of time at the zoo.
What are you doing today?
Counting the number of animals and the number of the cages too.

Count. Let me help you.       
There are 10 cages at the zoo.
 6 have animals in them.
 How many  don’t have animals?
So, number of cages is 10.     
Number of cages with animals is 6.
Number of cages without animals is 10 minus 6 that 4 cages without animals.

Let us first visit the monkey!
There are 5 monkeys in the cage,
 3 monkeys are swinging. 
How many monkeys are not swinging?
That’s easy Starry! 
Monkeys in the cage are 5.
Monkeys swinging are 3.
Monkeys are not swinging are 5 minus 3 which is 2.

Are you scared of the lions Starry? Let’s count them!
There are 1-2-3-4 lions. 
1 is asleep, how many lions are awake?
So ,number of lions is 4, lions asleep are 1, lions awake are 4 minus 1 which is 3.

Starry, there are 6 bears in the cage.
3 are black.
The rest are brown.
How many are brown?
Number of bears is 6. 
Number of black bear is 3.
Number of brown bears is 6 minus 3 which is 3.

Starry, there are 8 birds in this cage.
The zookeeper left the cage open and 2 birds flew away. How many are left in the cage?
So number of birds is 8.
Number of birds that flew away is 2, number of birds left in the case is 6.

And now, let us do an activity together!
We have to solve these words problems.
Ria had 8 apples, she ate 2. 
How many apples were left with her?
Number of apples is 8. 
Ria ate two apples.
Apples left with her are 8 minus 2 which is 6.

There were 5 coconuts on a tree.
1 coconut fell down.
How many were left on the tree.
Number of coconuts is 5. Coconuts that fell down are 1.
Coconuts left on the tree are 5 minus 1 which is 4.

There were 6 cars in the parking lot. 3 cars drove away. 
How many were left in the parking lot?
Number of cars is 6. 
Cars that drove away are 3. 
Cars left in the parking lot are 6 minus 3 which is 3.

Ramesh had Rupees 8.
 He gave the shopkeeper Rupees 5.
 How many Rupees does he have left with him?
Ramesh had Rupees 8. 
He gave the shopkeeper Rupees 5.
He has 8 minus 5 that 3 Rupees  left with him.

Starry, you have now learnt how to solve word problems in subtraction


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