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Sunday 27 August 2017

Bài 5: Geometrical shapes


I have got some colourful marble papers.
Let us make some nice craft items from these.
come, let us make a bus.

First, take one paper fold this into 2 hafts.
Now stick this on another sheet of white paper.
Draw 2 wheels below the body of the bus. You did not understand. Ok.

I will show you once again.
Take a marble paper and fold this into 2 parts like this.
See Starry, if we unfold the paper ,we see a horizontal line.
Now fold it and take the folded paper on another sheet of white paper.
No no Starry. You should not stick it like this.
See now, if you unfold the paper. We see a vertical line.

We have to stick it in such a way that horizontal fold is seen.

Do you understand Starry? Ok.
Then you practice this later.
Let me show you something interesting now.
Let’s take a sheet of marble paper. Fold the paper this way.

Now I fold it. The line that we see here is called the horizontal line.
Now take the paper and fold it in this way.
The line that you see now is called the vertical line.

Now fold the paper like this.
I’m unfolding it, we see a line which is not horizontal nor vertical is just called a slanting line.

Starry see! I have also got satin ribbon with me.
Now I am going to hold this satin ribbon in my hand and stretch it.

If I stretch the ribbon and hold it like this. Which line is formed?
Yes, the horizontal line.
Now see the vertical line is formed.
What about this one Starry?
Yes, it is a slanting line.

Now Starry, let us learn to draw these lines on the paper.
Uhm… see we have got here a compass box and eraser and the book.
Using these let us draw the line, 
first we show you the compass box.
Take the compass box and keep it on the paper.
Here let us first draw the horizontal line.

Now keep the compass like this. And draw the vertical line.
Now turn the compass like this and draw the slanting line.
Similarly we can also draw lines using this eraser and a book.

You can try it later Starry!
What happens Starry? What are you looking for?
Oh.. This is a scale.
yes, Starry, we can also  draw lines  using this scale.
 Shall we see how a line is drawn using a scale?
Which line is drawn here Starry? Yes, a vertical line.
The next one is the horizontal line. 
And now let’s draw the slanting line.

Starry, I have one interesting activity for you now.
Here is a grid of squares. On it a nice drawing has been done.

We have another grid of empty squares.
now, Let’s observe the drawing and draw the same figure using a scale and a pencil.

See Starry, we have drawn vertical line, horizontal line and slanting line in this figure.
Starry, you try and draw such a figure using a scale and pencil.

Starry! Look what I have here?

There is a rubik’s cube, a match box, a bangle and a paper weight.

We shall lay these objects on the paper.
Let us now trace their edges with the pencil.

The shape is formed by tracing the edges of the rubik cube is a square.

The shape is formed by tracing the edges of the match box is a rectangle.

What shape is formed by tracing a bangle Starry?
Yes, around shape. It is also call a circle.

The paper weight forms the shape of the triangle.

Starry, the shapes are drawn here. Now name them correctly.

Yes, the first shape is a triangle.
The second one is a square.
The third shape is a circle.
The last one is a rectangle.

Match the shape in column A with their names in column B.
Which is the first shape Starry? Yes, it is a rectangle.
The second shape is a circle.
The third one looks a little different, can you identify this shape?
Yes, it is a triangle.
The last shape is a square.

Starry, can you name some articles with all of these shapes.
Yes, a coin has the shape of the circle also the chapati
A black board is square in shape.
The scale is rectangular in shape.

Starry look around for different articles and observe their shapes.


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