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Monday 28 August 2017

Bài 15: Word problems subtracing


Starry, where are you? Look! There were 35 chocolates in this jar.
But I feel there are less now. How many chocolates were you and your friends eat?
Only 8. So tell me how many chocolates should there be in the jar now?
Yes, Starry you have to subtract 8 from 35.
And tell me.
We cannot subtract 8 units form 5 units.
So we shall borrow 1 tens that is 10 units.
Now on subtract 8 units from 15 units we get 7 units, 2 tens remain at in this.
The answer is 27. So Starry, now only 27 chocolates are left in this jar.
See Starry just like addition , we can also make you on subtraction in our everyday life.

Let’s take a look at the next example.
Ramesh read 26 pages of a story book.
The story book had 89 pages.
How many more pages are there to read?
Remember Starry, just like addition problems.
First , find out what is given?
Here is the given that the story book had 89 pages and Ramesh has read 26 pages.
What do we have to find? Yes, we have to find the number of pages left to be read.
So we shall subtract 26 from 89,
 9 units minus 6 units is equal to 3 units,
 8 tens minus 2 tens is equal to 6 tens.
So Starry, Ramesh has to read 63 pages more.

Let’s us solve the next  problem Starry.
Sarita got 76 marks in Maths and 69 marks in English.
In which subject did she score more marks and by how many?
What is given here Starry?
Yes, this is given that Sarita scored 76 marks in Maths and 69 marks in English.
What do we have to find?
Yes, we have to find the subject in which Sarita scored more marks.
That’s easy! Sarita has scored more marks in Maths.
Let’s find out how many marks more?
For this we shall subtract 69 from 76.

So Starry, what should we do first?
Yes, subtract 9 units from 6 units.
Is that possible?
No, so we borrow 1 tens that is 10 units.
Now on subtracting 9 units from 16 units, we get 7 units.
Next, 6 tens minus 6 tens equals to 0.
Thus, Sarita scored 7 marks more in Maths than English.

Come on Starry, let’s solve the next example.
In class 2-A of a school, there are 45 children.
Out of these, 21 are girls.
How many boys are there in this class 2-A?
Here is the given that in class 2-A, there are 45 children and out of these 21 are girls.
What have we to find out Starry?
Yes, we have to find the number of boys in 2-A.
Will you solve this one Starry?
Yes, we have to subtract 21 from 45.
So 5 units minus 1 unit is equal to 4 units,
4 tens minus 2 tens is equal to 2 tens.
You are right Starry!
There are 24 boys in class 2-A.

Sunil had 275 rupees.
He bought painting colours worth rupees 155.
How much money does he have now?
What is given here Starry?
Yes, it’s given that Sunil had a total of 275 rupees.
He spent 155 rupees to buy colours.
What do we have to find?
We have to find the money left with Sunil.
So what should we do Starry?
Yes, we shall subtract 155 rupees from 275 rupees.
So 5 units minus 5 units give 0 unit,
7 tens minus 5 tens is 2 tens,
2 hundreds minus 1 hundred is 1 hundred.
So can say 120 rupees are left with Sunil.

So Starry, remember subtraction and addition both are require in our everyday life.


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