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Wednesday 30 August 2017


Bài 1

1. Show me your bin brushes, Starry.
2.Hey look, the red brush is thick but the brown brush is thin.
3.Thick brush thin brush
4.Thick thin
5.These words are used for comparing the size.
6.Hey, the poetry book is thin.
7.But the story book is thick.
8.Let us do something interesting.
9.Among these objects, some are thick and some are thin.
10.Let us find the thicker object.
11.The blue crayon is thick. The white candle is thick.
12.Now, let us find the thinner object.
13.The red rope is thin. the apple slice is thin.
14.We’re done Starry.
15. See you soon.

Bài 2

1.What are you doing , Starry.
2.Uhm, you have drawn a line on the  board.
3.Now, let us draw another line next to yours.
4.Look,what did happen?
5.The two lines are different in their sizes. 
6.The line you have drawn is short.but the new line is long.
7.Short line , long line.
8.Short ,long.
9.These words are used to compare size. 
10.Starry, out of these ribbons. 
11.please, pick up the longer one. 
12.What is it , Starry?
13.Ok, let me help you!
14.let us unroll the ribbons and find  out the longer one:  
15.Now,  show me the longer ribbon, Starry?
16.Oh, yes. The blue ribbon is long but the red ribbon is short 
17.Good job, Starry18.Let us have some fun.
19.Here are some long objects and some short objects. 
20.Let us find these objects which are longer.
21.The green belt is longer.
22. The purple skirt is longer.
23.Now, from these pictures.
24. Let us call out these short objects.
25.The white ruler is short. 
26.The yellow eraser is short. 
27.That was interesting, wasn’t it Starry? 
28.Bye for now 

Bài 3

1.hey, Starry. Show me your greeting cards.
2.See, they look similar. But look at their sizes.
3.The pink card is broad but the blue card is narrow.
4.Broad-narrow. These words are used to describe the size.
5.Look at the stool. This stool is broad but the another stool is narow. 
7.Look at these pictures.
8.Here are some broad objects and some narrow objects.
9.Let us find the ones that are narrow.
10.This is a narrow bridge. 
11.Look at those belts,hanging for the name. 
12.this belt is narrow.
13.Now,click on the ones that are broad. 
14.The pink ruler is broad.
15. And the yellow bed is broad. 
16.Wasn’t that so much fun? 
17. bye 

Bài 4

1.oh  Starry, my bottle has just one toffee.
2. show me your bottle.
3. does it also  have only one toffee?
4.ahh…look at that! 
5. there are so many toffees in your bottle.
6. see,Starry. I have one toffee. You have many toffees.
7. the words “one” and “ many” tell us the  number.
8. the fish is in this bowl looks so sad
9.He doesn’t have any friends with him.
10. there is just one fish in the bowl.
11. and look at the fishes in this bowl .
12. they are happy because they have so many friends.
13.let us have some fun! 
14. look at these pictures
15.here is a brand with one bird 
16. here is a brand with many birds.
17. which brand has only the bird? 
18. this brand has just one bird
19.here are two dishes. 
20.one have many apples.
21.and the other has one apple
22. which dish has just one apple?
23.this dish has just one apple.
24.here are two classes.
25. one class has many children.
26.and the other class has one child.
27. which class has many children? 
28. this class has many children.
29.here are two vases. 
30.one vase has one flower 
31.and the other vase has many flowers.
32.which vase has many flowers
33. this vase has many flower.
34.that was supper
 35. see you soon, Starry.

Bài 5

1.Hey, Starry. Here is the ice-cream man.
2.all friends are standing in a line to get the ice-cream. 
3.Let’s see. Who is standing first in the line? 
4.Jumbo is first in the line.
5.And who is last?  
6.Kitty is last in the line.
7.First-last. These words describe  positions.
8.See, how they are enjoying the ice-cream!
9.Wow, is that your new train? 
10.Starry, what’s a colourful train!
11.Look Starry!, the engine comes first and the green coach comes last
 12.Let’s have some fun!
13.Look at this picture
14.Taking you’re in the running race.
15.Puppy, Kitty,Tori,the tortoise ran the race.
16.Let us find who came first? 
17.Puppy came first.
18.And who came last? 
19. Tory, the tortoise came last. 
20.You are quite a quick learner, Starry 
21.See you soon.

Bài 6

1.hey, Starry. Look  at this boy. 

2.He is exercising

3.Uhm,… he is waving his left hand. 

4.Now, he is waving his right hand. 

5.Left hand-right hand


7.These words describe the directions

8.Oh, he is bending to his left

9.And now, he is bending to his right

10.See, he bends left-right,left-right.

11. Look at the solder

12.How smartly he matched, left- right, left- right, left – right.

13.Hey, look at these children, standing in a row. 

14. The teacher is the middle

15.Take a child who is on the left of the teacher and put him in the column mark L

16.Take a child who is on the right of the teacher and put him in the column mark R

17.Very good

18.today”s lesson was very interesting,wasn’t it?

Bài 7

Starry, what have you done?
Why have you put so many fishes into this tank?
It’s very crowded
And this tank has just a few fishes
When we look at the two tank,Starry.
This tank has more fishes
And in this tank the fishes are less as compare to that tank
More fishes-less fishes.
But Starry, the tank with more fishes has less shells in it,one two shell.only two shells

Oh, and the tank with less fishes has more shells in it,one two three four shells
More shells, Starry
less shells ,More shells,
even the water plans are different,Starry
this tank has more plants in it.
In this tank, the plants are much less
More plants,less plants
Starry, you are smart.
I forgot the oxygen bubbles

This tank has more bubbles in it
And this tank has less bubbles
More bubbles-less bubbles
Starry, there is another way to find out the different between more and less.
Look at this board
On this side, there are 1-2-3-4-5 fish. On the other side, there are 1-2 fish
Now,let’s form 1 to 1 pair,1 fish to 1 fish
The second fish to the next fish
Now,  we still have three unpaired fish on this side
So we say,more fish and less fish
Now,here are some starfish
We have 1-2-3-4 starfish on one side
And 1-2-3-4 starfish in the other side
Let make 1 to 1 pair Starry
Look, there are no extra starfish
The starfish on both sides are the same
So we say “both sides have equal starfish”

And here Starry have some shells
1-2 shells and 1-2-3-4 shells
Let’s make the 1 to 1 pairs
We have to shells remaining on this side, Starry.
So we say, less shells,more shells
Let’s do other activities together
See, which side has more and which side has less objects.
1-2-3-4-5-6  frog
1-2-3 frog

This side that has 6 frogs Starry has more frogs
And this side with three has less frogs.
And now birds. 1-2-3 birds,1-2 birds. More birds-less birds
Here we are some flowers, Starry. 1-2-3-4-5 flowers,1-2-3-4-5 flowers
Starry, here the number of flowers on both side is the same
And now, some butterflies

1-2-3 butterflies
1-2-3-4 butterflies
Less butterflies-more butterflies.
So, Starry, you have now learned to identify more and less
More means a lot of objects
Less means      a few objects.

Bài 8

Starry, have you seen this train before?
It is called the number train.
Look at the number on the engine. It is the number 1.
The number that comes after the number 1 is the number 2.
After two, we have the number three.
And then four. And after 4 comes the number 5.
Follow closely by the number six. Next we have number 7.
After number 7, comes number 8.
And then number 9 join on the number train.
Yes, it is the number 10.
And finally, what is the number on the last compartment 

Starry? Yes, it is the number 10.
Isn’t it the colorful number train, Starry?
Now, that you have learned to find the number that comes after.
Let us try to find the number that comes before its number.
Now, the number that comes before ten is the number 9.
And the number that comes before 9 is number 8.
Starry, what is the number that comes before 8. Right, it is 7.
And of course the number that comes before 7 is 6.
Now five is the number that comes before six
and the number that comes before five is four.
Three comes before four. And two comes before three.
And finally the number that comes before two is the number one.
Wow, with that Starry.
You have learned to find out a number that comes before another number.
But Starry, what if I ask you what is the number that comes in between two numbers?
You look puzzled. 

It is easy.
Wait, let me explain. 
Look at the number train, the number that comes between 1 and 3 is two.
The number that comes between four and six is five.
Isn’t that easy Starry?
Now, what would the number that comes between 7 and 9 be 8.
Right and of course.
The number that comes between 8 and 10 is 9.
Starry, shall we do an activity together. 

Fill in the blanks with the correct numbers. 

The number that comes before 8 is (dash).
The number that comes before 8 is 7.
The number that comes after 4 is (dash).
The number that comes after 4 is 5.
The number that comes before 3 is (dash).
The number that comes before 3 is 2.
The number that comes before 6 is (dash).
The number that comes before 6 is 5.
The number that comes after 8 is (dash).
The number that comes after 8 is 9.
The number that comes before 10 is (dash).
The number that comes before 10 is 9.
And in this activity, Starry, you have to fill in the missing number into the boxes.
Shall we begin. 2 (dash) 4.
The missing number is 3. 5 (dash) 7.
The missing number is 6. 8 (dash) 10.
The missing number is 9. 3 (dash) 5.
What do you think is the missing number Starry?
Yes, it is 4. 1 (dash) 3.
1,2,3. Correct!
The missing number is 2. 7 (dash) 9.
The missing number is 8. That was excellent, Starry!
Starry, with this number train, we have not only learned how to find out the number that come before and after particular number but also a number that is in between 2 numbers.

Bài 9

Starry, have you seen the long green animal before?
Yes, it is an alligator
Hasn’t this got a big mouth? It looks so hungry.
It can eat up all these the little fishes!
Now, Starry. Take a closer look at the shape of its mouth!
The shape is like this. 

Do you know what this sign is?
It is the greater than sign.
Do have you remember the greater than sign .
Just think of the alligator and its open mouth.
Remember the alligator always eats a greater number of fishes.
Supports we have 5 fishes and 3 fishes.
We write 5 is greater than 3 (5>3).
The mouth of the alligator, Starry is open towards the greater number of the fishes.
The closed part of the mouth points to the smaller number of fishes.
Here we have 7 fishes and 2 fishes. Now, 7 is the greater number of fish.
And so, the mouth of the alligator will be open towards 7, Starry!
We write 7 is greater than 2 (7>2).
Starry, supports we want to show one number is less than another all we have to do it turns the alligator mouth around because remember the alligator always eats the greater number.
So, if we have 3 fishes and 8 fishes, we write it as 3 is less than 8.
And if we have 5 fishes and 7 fishes, we write it as 5 is less than 7.
Don’t forget the alligator open mouth.
And 2 less than 5 is written as 2 less than 5.
Remember Starry, greater than and less than are 2 different signs.
Now, Starry. What if we have the same number of fish.
Then be used the equal sign.
See, 3 fishes and 3 fishes is written as 3 equals 3.
And 7 equals 7 is written as 7 equals 7.
Now, that you have learned you signs.
Starry, can we do an activity together.
Fill in the blanks with the correct sign greater than, less than or equal to.
Let’s begin!
5 flowers (dash) 8 flowers. 5 flowers are less than 8 flowers.
9 leaves (dash) 2 leaves. 9 leaves are greater than 2 leaves. 
10 ants (dash) 5 ants. 10 ants are greater than 5 ants.

4 butterflies (dash) 4 butterflies. 4 butterflies equal to 4 butterflies.
4 bees (dash) 10 bees. 4 bees are less than 10 bees.
In this activity, you have to say whether the signs used are correct or wrong by putting a tick or a cross.
If wrong we have to correct the signs.
8 is less than 8 – wrong. Starry, the correct answer is “8 equals to 8”.
1 is less than 8—correct.
2 is greater than 4 – wrong.
The correct answer is “2 is less than 4”.
4 is less than 3 – wrong.
What do you think it the correct answer Starry?
Yes, the correct answer is “4 is greater than 3”.
8 is greater than 2—correct.
5 equals to 5 – correct.

Bài 10

Is this your report card, Starry? Congratulations. 

You have come second in class.
What did you say?
You haven’t, of course you have.
Look, second. Oh… You think you have come 2 in class. 1,2.
No Starry, 2 is the cardinal number. 
Cardinal numbers are counting numbers.
They tell us “How many?” 1-2-3-4-5… are all cardinal numbers.
When things, objects, people are place in order we use ordinal number to tell their position.
Let me explain!
Your friend Raj has got the highest marks.
He is number 1. He has stood first in class.
Then you, Starry are number 2. So you have come second.
Ria is number 3. She has come third in class.
And Asha is number 4. So she has come 4th.
What about Rahui, Starry?
He is number 5. So he is 5th in class.
Notice the order Starry: 1st -2nd -3rd - 4th and 5th are all ordinal numbers.
f-i-r-s-t ->1st
s-e-c-o-n-d -> 2nd
t-h-i-r-d -> 3rd
f-o-u-r-t-h -> 4th
f-i-f-t-h -> 5th
Now here are 10 balloons in the line, each which a number on it 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 and 10.

In other, the red balloon is 1st, the blue 2nd
the green is 3rd , yellow is 4th, orange is 5th, purple is 6th, pink is 7th ,
the red and white balloon is 8th, the balloon with spots is 9th ,
and the striped balloon is 10th .

So now we have:
s-i-x-t-h -> 6th
s-e-v-e-n -> 7th
e-i-g-h-t-h -> 8th
n-i-n-e-t-h -> 9th
And 10th balloon.
Look at the calendar Starry!
And sure you have learned that there are 7 days in a week.
Now, Monday is the 1st day of the week.
Tuesday is the 2nd. Wednesday is the 3rd.
Thursday is the 4th day of the week. Friday is the 5th day.
Saturday is the 6th day. And Sunday is the last day of the week.
It’s also the 7th day of the week.
Now, Starry! Let’s do an activity together.
Look at the calendar and fill in the blanks.

Thursday is the (dash) day of the week ? -> 4th day.
Tuesday comes before (dash) ? -> Wednesday.
Monday is the (dash) day of the week ? -> 1st day.
Wednesday is the (dash) day of the week ? -> 3rd day.
The 5rd day of the week is (dash) ? -> Friday.
The last day of the week, Sunday is also the (dash) day of the week ->7th day.
The day between Tuesday and Thursday is (dash) day ? -> Wednesday.
Saturday is the (dash) day of the week -> 6th day.
And now Starry, an activity with the balloons.
Look at the balloons and fill in the blanks.
The 3rd balloon is (dash) in color ? -> green.
The red and white balloon is the (dash) balloon ? -> 8th.
The 1st balloon is (dash) in color ? -> red.
The striped balloon is the (dash) balloon ? -> 10th.
The orange balloon is the (dash) balloon ->5th.
The pink balloon is the (dash) balloon ? -> 7th.
Starry, the next time you get your report card,
remember you can’t come 2 in class.
You can be 2nd. 2 is cardinal number. 2nd is the ordinal number

Bài 11

Starry, your teacher said that you’re going to get a week holiday.
Is it that great?
Do you know how many days are there in a week?
Yes, 7 days. Let’s revise their names?
Sunday -Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday and Saturday.
Starry, today is Wednesday.
Did you go for your audio visual class? That’s good.
Yesterday was Tuesday.
Did you enjoy your craft class?
Oh….You learned how to make a paper boat.
But, tomorrow is Thursday.
Why do you have a holiday?
It’s a Founder’s Day of Church school.
Hey, Starry. Look at the notice sent by the society.
It shows the time table for the Ganesh festival.
The Ganesh idol was brought on Friday.
On Saturday, there is Fancy dress competition.
Yes, there is Dance competition also. It is on Sunday.
Ok, Starry. I’m sure you have understood the days of the week.
Let’s do an activity now!
Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
Here is the first question.
Today is Sunday.
So tomorrow will be (dash)
Tomorrow will be Monday.
The next question:
Yesterday was Wednesday.
So today is (dash)
It is Thursday
Let’s read the next question:
If today is Friday, so (dash) was Thursday
The right answer is yesterday.
If today is Friday, so yesterday that was Thursday.
 (Dash) comes between Monday and Wednesday
Can you answer this Starry?
Yes, Tuesday.
The next blank now:
Today is Monday.
So (dash) will be Tuesday
Today is Monday.
So tomorrow will be Tuesday.
The last blank Starry:
Today is Wednesday means tomorrow will be (dash) and (dash) was Tuesday ?
What is the answer here?
Today is Wednesday.
so tomorrow will be Thursday and yesterday was Tuesday.
Starry, one week has 7 days but one month can have 30 or 31 days.
There is one more exception.
The month of February has 28 or 29 days.
Let us first to see the month of year according to the English or Gregorian calendar.
There are 12 months in a year.
The 1st month of the year is January.
It has 31 days.
And the 2nd month is February. 
It can have 28 or 29 days.

How many days does this calendar show Starry?
Yes, 28 days.
Which is the 3rd month?
It is March. It has 31 days.
The 4th month is April.
It has 30 days.
The 5th month is May has 31 days.
Which is the 6th month Starry? 
It is June. The month of June has 30 days.
The 7th month is July.
It has 31 days.
August is the 8th month.
It also has 31 days.
September month has 30 days. It is the 9th month.
Can you tell me the 10th month?
Yes, it is October. October has 31 days.
The 11th month is November.
How many days does November have?
Yes, 30 days.
Which is the last month of the year Starry?
Yes, the 12th month of the year is December. It has 31 days.
Let us repeat the names of the month in order Starry!
Yes, January-February-March-April-May-June-July-August-September-Octobor-November-December.
Starry. We just view the name of the Gregorian year months.
But when we celebrate Indian festival,
we also consider the month of the Indian solar year.
You must have heard the names from your grandparents.
Let us learn the names of the month of Indian solar year.
The 1st month is called Chaitra.
It may have 30 or 31 days.
The 2nd month is Vaishakh.
It has 31 days.
The 3rd month is Jyeshth.
It has 31 days.
The 4th month is Ashadh.
It has 31 days.
Do you know what is the next month, Starry?
Yes, it is a holy month of Shravan.
It is the 5th month and it has 31 days.
After Shravan, comes the 6th month Bhadra.
It also has 31 days.
The 7th month is Ashwin.
It has 30 days.   
The 8th month Kartik also has 30 days.
And 9th month is Agrahayan also known as Margashirsh.
It has 30 days.
The next that is the 10th month is Paush.
Paush also has 30 days.
Magh and Phalgun are the 11th and 12th months respectively.
Both of them have 30 days each.
Starry, are the name clear to you?
Should we repeat them once again!
Ok. Let’s start!
We have to do 1 interesting activity Starry!
See here, we have 1 big card board wheel.
Be fixed on a cross.
On it, the months of the Gregorian year are written.
Another small board wheel is fixed on top of it.
The months of the Indian Solar year are written on it.
A pointer is also attached in the centre.
First we show the wheel that we go it.
Let’s see at which month the arrow point when the wheel stops.
Uhm… It stops at November.
Starry, November is the 11th month of the Gregorian year.
Now, we have to turn the wheel in such a way that we match the 11th month of the Solar year.
That is Magh with November.
Did you understand this activity Starry?
Ok, let’s revolve the wheel again.
Here it stops at March.
March is the 3rd month of the Gregorian year.
So which month of the Solar year should we match with … yes, Jyeshth.
Would you like to turn the big wheel again Starry?
Now, it stops at May.
May is the 5th month of the year.
So we match it with Shravan.
Now, let’s turn the small wheel first.
The arrow now points at Kartik.
Which month of the Solar year is it Starry?
Yes, 8th. So we match it with August.
Which wheel should be turn now, Starry?
Ok, the small wheel.
Hey, It stops at Chaitra.
With which month of the Gregorian year should be match it.
Yes, Chaitra is the 1st month of the Solar year.
So, we match it January.
Wasn’t it a nice game Starry?
Don’t forget the days of the week and the months of the year Starry.

Bài 12

Starry, here we are at the park
So many things to play on swing, merry-go-round.
I’m sure you like.
This slide is the best.
It has colorful steps with numbers on it.
Have you ever been on the slide Starry?
Look, you have to ascend the steps from here.
Ascend means to go up Starry!
So, to go up the stair we go 1-2-3-4-5, here we are at the top.
Now, Starry, if you don’t get scared and you don’t want to use this slide.
You can come down the steps again.
You can descend. But, be careful.
You need to come down on descend 1 step at the time. Like this.
5-4-3-2-1 and you are on the ground again.
Starry, when we go from the smallest number to the biggest number.
We see the numbers are the arrange in the ascending order.
Here, 1 the smallest number and 5 the biggest number.
So 1-2-3-4-5. Ascending order up the slide.
And when we go from the biggest number to the smallest number,
we see the numbers are arranged in descending order.
5 is the biggest number and 1 is the smallest.
So 5-4-3-2-1 descending order down the slide.
Starry, when you have to arrange number in the ascending or descending order.
You first find the smallest and the biggest number.
You then arrange the number in the middle to in the similar panel.
Take the number 1-2-3-4.
Now, 1 is smallest number and 4 the biggest.
We have 1 - (dash) and (dash) - 4.
Similarly between 2 and 3, 2 is the smaller number.
So, we write 2 in the first blank, then 3.
So 1-2-3-4 that is arrangement in ascending order.
For descending order,  
we take the biggest number first and then the smallest.
So 4 - (dash) - (dash) - 1.
Between 3 and 2, 3 is the bigger number.
We get 4-3-2-1 the arrangement in descending order.
Now, let us do an activity together.
Here are set of four numbers.
We have to first circles the smallest number, then the biggest number and then put the numbers in ascending order.
Shall we begin! 
7-8-5-3. The smallest number is 3.
The biggest number is 8.
Between 7 and 5, 5 is the
smaller number.
The numbers in ascending order are 3-5-7-8.
1-9-7-4. Here, Starry. The smallest number is 1.
The biggest number is 9.
Between 7 and 4, 4 is the smaller number.
The numbers in ascending order are 1-4-7-9.
2-9-6-5. What do you think it is the smallest number Starry?
Yes, the smallest number is 2 and the biggest number is 9.
So, between 6 and 5, 5 is the smaller number.
The numbers in ascending order are 2-5-6-9.
8-3-4-1. Here, the smallest number is 1 and the biggest number is 8.
Between 3 and 4, 3 is the smaller number.
The numbers in ascending order are 1-3-4-8.
7-5-1-6. In this set Starry, the smallest number is 1.
The biggest number is 7.
And between 5 and 6, 5 is smallest number.
The numbers in ascending order are 1-5-6-7.
And in this activity Starry, we have the first circles the biggest number then the smallest and then what the numbers in descending order.
Let’s begin.   
7-9-5-4. Starry, the biggest number here is 9 and the smallest number is 4.
Between 7 and 5, 7 is the bigger number.
The numbers arrange in descending order are 9-7-5-4.
2-3-5-9. The biggest number is 9. The smallest number is 2.
Between 3 and 5, 5 is the bigger number.
The numbers arrange in descending order are 9-5-3-2.
The next set of numbers is 5-7-1-8.
The biggest number is 8. The smallest number is 1
Between 5 and 7, 7 is the bigger number.
Starry, the numbers arrange in descending order are 8-7-5-1.
Starry, what about 6-8-3-2 ?
And the smallest number is 2.
Yes, the biggest number is 8.
Between 6 and 3, 6 is the bigger number.
The numbers arrange in descending order are 8-6-3-2.
Finally, the numbers 1-6-7-2.
The biggest number is 7, the smallest number is 1.
Between 6 and 2, 6 is the bigger number.


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