Converting mixed numbers to improper fraction .
Let 's try and convert one and three fourths to an improper
Let 's represent this in the form of squares .
Now let's try
representing the squares as a fraction .
Counter the scraps.
There are seven fourths
that is 7 over 4.
So 1 and 3 fourths equals
seven folds.
To change a mixed number into an improper fraction .
Multiply the old number
by the denominator.
And add it to the
numerator of the fractional part.
Let 's do one more and this time without the help of any squares
or pictures .
Let 's change 2 and five sixths to an improper fraction.
First multiply 2 by 6 that is multiply the whole number by the
denominator .
Then add it to the
numerator of the fractional part which is five.
Hence 17 becomes our new
numerator .
The denominator remains the
same which is six .
Hence our improper fraction
becomes 17 / 6.
Let 's look at one more example.
Six and a half .
So it is 6 x 2 plus 1 equals 30.
Denominator remains too.
Hence the improper
fraction is 13 by 2 .
Did n't I tell you it was easy.
Now let's look at..
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