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Sunday 27 August 2017

Bài 3: Fraction explanation


Another explanation for fractions.  

Hi Starry, let's  revise fractions.  
Look at this fraction, here out of 3 equal parts, 2 are selected.  
So 2 is a numerator and 3 is denominator.  
We read this fraction as 2 upon 3. 

Now Starry, look at these paper strips 
This figure is divided into 3 equal parts.  
Each part of the 3 equal parts of a whole is 1 upon 3.  
So 2 such parts is 2 upon 3.  
So the coloured part is 2 upon 3 and the uncoloured part is 1 upon 3.
Let us look at another example.  

Here 1 whole is divided into 5 equal parts.  
So each part equal 1 upon 5. Here 3 such parts is 3 upon 5.  
So the part with design is 3 upon 5 and the part without design is 2 upon 5. 
Isn’t it interesting Starry?  

Now observe this.  
One whole is divided into 4 parts
Each coloured part is 1 upon 4. 3 such parts equal 3 upon 4.  
Look at this one, if each part is 1 upon 11, 5 such parts is 5 upon 11.  
Look at the next one, if each part is 1 upon 13, 6 such parts is 6 upon 13. 
If each part is 1 upon 7, then the four such parts will be 4 upon 7. 

Let us revise. Fill the boxes with the proper fraction.   
The first one state each part equal 1 upon 3, 2 such parts is _____. The answer is 2 upon 3.  

The second one state that each part is 1 upon 9, 7 such parts is ____ The answer is 7 upon 9.

The next one tells us that each part equal 1 upon 8, so 5 such parts equal ______. The answer is 5 upon 8.  

Let us do another activity for each fraction. 
Name the numerator and denominator. Write the fractions in words.                                              
Answer the first one. 
Here the numerator is 3 , the denominator is 13 and the fraction is read as three upon thirteen.  

Answer the second one 
here the numerator is 7 ,the denominator is 9 and the fraction is read as seven upon nine.   

Answer the third one.   
Here the numerator is 5 , the denominator is 21 and the fraction is read as five upon twenty-one.  

And now answer the last one. 
Here the numerator is 6 ,the denominator is 7, the fraction is read as six upon seven.  

So, today you have learnt another way of looking at the fractions.


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