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Monday 28 August 2017

Bài 8: Word problems addition


Hey Starry , why are you angry with me?
I know we're doing a lots of addition examples , but Starry doing addition is very useful in everyday life.

Ok then  I'll explain to you.
Look here, This is the bill we got from the shop yesterday.
Let's read out the cost of items we purchase.
The cost of the water bottle is rupees 90.
We bought the six notebooks were rupees 60.

Now tell me Starry, what is written at the end of the bill?
Yes, it is written the total amount in rupees 150. So, what had we done?
Yes, the shopkeeper had added all the amount together to get the total.
So Starry, whenever we have to find the total quantity or number of items all together, we had to do addition.

Ok Starry, are you now ready to solve a few words problems.

Let's read the first problem.
Rozy's mother bought 15 chocolates and 50 toffees for her birthday.
How many sweets did she buy in all?
Starry, whenever you read a problem first write out what did given.
Can you tell me in the given problem what information is given?
Yes, it is given that Rozy's mother bought 15 chocolates and 50 toffees for her birthday.
The next step is to write what we have to find out.
Ohmm.....Here we have to find out the total number of sweets.

So Starry, which operation should be carry out?
Yes, we should do addition of 15 and 50.
 on adding digit, We get 5 units and 0 units equal to 5 units.
1 ten and 5 tens equal to 6 tens.
So Starry, Rozy's mother bought 65 sweets for her birthday.

Ok Starry, let I show the next example.
A fruit seller has 65 mangoes, 36 bananas and 24 oranges in his cart.
How many fruits does he have in all? What did given here Starry?
Yes, it is given that A fruit seller has 65 mangoes, 36 bananas and 24 oranges.
What do we have to find? Yes, we have to find the total number of fruits.
So what should we do? We should add all the number of fruits.
So,let's add 65 plus 36 plus 24.
On adding digit, in the unit place, we get 5 plus 6 plus 4 equal to 15 units, carry 1 ten to ten column.
Let's add the digit in the ten place.
6 plus 3 tens plus 2 tens plus 1 equal to 12 tens.. So Starry, the fruit seller has 125 fruits.

Here is the next example.
In a school, there were 42 children in standard 2A and 37 children in standard 2B.
Hence, find out the total number of children in both the classes.
Starry, can you tell me what information is given here?
Yes, it is given  that there were 42 children in 2A and 37 children in 2B.
We have to find the total number of children in class 2.
Ok and let's add 42 and 37. 2 units plus 7 units is 9 units.
4 tens plus 3 tens is 7 tens. We got the answer 79.
So Starry, there were a total of 79 children in second standard in the school.

Hey Starry ! The next example is very easy. Come on !! Let's solve it.
Ruhi has 19 story books and her friends Tanya has 26 story books.
What is the total number of story books with them?
Yes Starry, the number of story books with Ruhi is 19 and the number of story books with Tanya is 26.
To find the total number of story books with them, we should add 19 and 26.
On adding, 9 units and 6 units we get 15 units.
Carry over 1 to ten please. Now, let's add 2 tens, 1 ten and 1 ten . It give 4 tens.
So the total number of story books with Ruhi and Tanya is 45.

Here is the last example. Let's read it first.
Karishma and her brother Sunil bought new clothes.
Karishma's dress cost rupees 575 and Sunil's shirt cost him rupees 210.
How much money did they spend in all? What's given?
The cost of Karishma's dress and the cost of Sunil's shirt.
What do we have to find? We have to find the total amount they have spent.
So Starry, can you do the addition? Yes, it's simple.
We have to arrange the 3 digit numbers in proper columns.
Now, start adding the unit place digit. 5 units plus 0 unit equals 5 units.
7 tens plus 1 ten is equal to 8 tens.

And finally, 5 hundreds plus 2 hundreds is equal to 7 hundreds.
So, Karishma and Sunil spent 785 rupees in all.

Did you understand Starry, how addition is useful to us in everyday life.


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