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Monday 28 August 2017

Bài 10: Dividing a two digit by a one digit number


Dividing a two-digit number by a one digit number

Stary, you guessed right
This is the division sign
Do you remember how we carried out the operation of division

72 divided by 8 equals. How many?
Yes Starry 72 is the dividend and 8 is the divisor

Next ,we say the 8 times table up to 72.
 Eight nines are 72 .
Hence,  9 is the quotient

Next subtract the product of 8 and 9 from the given 72.
The remainder is 0 .

So, Stary when we divide 72 by 8 .
72 is the dividend .
8 is the divisor.
The quotient is 9 .
and the remainder is 0.
Stary  in the above example ,we said the 8 times table up to the divisor 72

Here Starry is another method to divide a two digit number by a one digit number.

63 divided by three equals
 How many?

To divide 63, first look at the digit on the left which is in the tens place of the dividend.
 The digit is six.
 So say that three times table up to six.
 Divide six tens by three .
Three twos are six.
Write the two above the line in the tens place of the quotient.
The product of 3 & 2 is 6.
Subtract this product from six tens,  zero tens remains

Next, bring down the 3 units and write it at the side of zero
Divide three units by three.
Say that three times table up to three .
Three ones are three  . 
The quotient is one.
Write the one above the line in the unit's place of the quotient.

Subtract the product of three and one from the three units .
The remainder is zero .
The quotient is 21.
So 63 divided by 3 is 21.

Now starry,. let us try this one

24 divided by 6 equals
How many?

Stary, in the dividend 24 the digit in the tens place 2 is smaller than the divisor 6 . So we cannot divide two tens by six . 
Hence, we write zero above the line in the quotient.
 The product of six and zero is zero

Subtract this product from two tens .
The remainder is 2 in the tens place .

Next, bring down four units and write it at the side of 2.
These are 24 units say the six times table up to 24.
 Six fours are 24 .
The quotient is four.
Write this above the line in the unit's place.

Subtract the product 24 from 24 units.
The remainder is zero.
So Starry 24 divided by 6 equals four.
Wasn't that interesting Stary

Starry,would you like to help me with this one?
78 divided by 4 equals
How many?

First, divide the digit in the tens place of the dividend by 4.
So we divide 7 by 4
Stary,let's say the 4 times table till 7.
Four Ones is four.
Four twos are eight.
Eight is greater than 7.
Hence, the quotient will be one.
Now right one in the tens place of the quotient.

The product of four and one is 4.
Subtract the product four from seven tens.
The remainder is 3 tens.
Bring down the eight units and write it at the side of three
We now have 38 units
Now Stary 38 has to be divided by 4.
Say the four times table till we reach 38.
Four  nines are 36 .
Write nine in the unit's place of the quotient.
Next, subtract 36 from 38.
The remainder is 2.
So starry when we divide 78 divided by 4.
The quotient is 19 and the remainder is 2.

Let us now revise what we have learned

84 divided by 4 equals
 How many ?
To divide 84 by 4, first look at the digit in the tens place of the division.
Say the 4 times table up to 8 .
Divide 8 tens by four.
Four twos are eight.
Write the two above the line in the tens place of the quotient.
The product of 4 and 2 is 8.
Subtract this product from eight tens.
0 tens remains
Next bring down the 4 units and write it at the side of zero.

Divide four units by four .
Say the four times table up to four.
Four ones are for
The quotient is one.
Write the one above the line in the unit's place of the quotient.
Subtract four the product of four and one from the four units .
The remainder is zero.
The quotient is 21.
So 84 divided by 4 is 21.

96 divided by 3 equals how many?
First look at the digits in the tens place of the dividend. 
Say the three times stable up to nine.
Divide nine tens by three.
Three threes are nine .
Write the three above the line in the tens place of the quotient.
The product of three and three is nine.
 Subtract this product from nine tens .
Zero tens remains.
 Next, bring down the six units .
And write it at the side of zero.
 Divide the six units by three
Say the three times table up to six
Three twos are six .
The quotient is 2.
Write the two above the line in the unit's place of the quotient.
Subtract six the product of three and two from the six units .
The remainder is zero.
The quotient is 32.
 So 96 divided by three is 32.


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