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Monday 28 August 2017

Bài 12: Practising addition 15 to 18


Starry, all these kites different, they have numbers on them.
Let us read the numbers out aloud.
1 and 5, 15, 1 and 6, 16, 1 and 7, 17, 1 and 8, 18.
That are 15 16 17 and 18.
 Hey, this kite has different size SIGN on it.
Do you remember plus sign Starry? We use it when we do addition.
Today, Starry, we will practice addition with numbers 15 16 17 and 18.

Now look at these kites Starry, the numbers on each kite has to add up to 15.

Let’s take the first kite, 6 plus __ equal 15, from 6 Starry, we count forward till we read 15.
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 and 15, we have counted 9 number Starry, so 6 + 9 = 15.

And now the next kite Starry. 8 + __ = 15.

Counting forward from 8 ,we get 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. That 7 Starry. So 8 + 7 =15.
This set of number Starry has to add up to the number 16. 8 + __ =16.

Counting forward 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. That 8 number. So 8 + 8 =16.

And this kite has 9 + __ =16. That 10 11 12 13 14 15 16, we have counted 7 number Starry.

So 9 + 7 = 16. Another kite Starry, you’re the number has to add up to 17. 9 + __ =17.

Counting Starry 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. That 8 number, 9 + 8 = 17.

In this kite Starry, the number has to add up to 18.

9 + __ =18.
Let us start counting Starry, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. That 9 number, so 9 + 9 =18.

And now do activity.
Fill in the blank with the correct numbers.
Don’t forget to count forward to read the number Starry.
 9 + __ = 15    ,;        9 + 6 = 15    

The next one is 
 7 + __ = 16    ;          7+9=16

 8 + __ = 17   ;            8+9=17

7 + __ = 15 ;               7+8=15
And the last one that

 __ + 9 = 18         ;      9+9=18

And that Starry was a lot of practice in addition with a numbers 15,6,17 and 18


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