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Tuesday 17 October 2017


Now, this lets me take a look at addition of decimals.
Now , I've drawn a pup there a puppy dog.
BUP because in addition of decimals ,we keep the point under point
okay .
PU P point under point.
Very Important.
 Let 's look at some examples.
First  one four point five plus six point nine .
Now , it's very important that you write this out on pen and paper when you do your working, okay.
 And  you set it up such that point is under the point.
 Let 's bring some working out space to show you what I mean.
 Four  point five plus six point nine you can see that the point is under the point .
So  we simply add now it's very easy.
 Five  plus nine is fourteen we put the four down and carry the one and then what have we got point under point okay we put the point in our answer.
Next  line 1 plus 4 is 5 plus 6 is 11 .
So  11 we have.
 So  the answer simply 11.4.
Okay  it's pretty easy.

 The  next one, three point seven five plus two point four six again.
 Let 's get some working out space.
This  is what you'll do three point seven.
Five  plus two point four six the point is under the point.
5 plus 6 is 11 put  the 1 down and carry the 1.
1 plus 7 is 8 plus 4 more is 12 .
So  for 12 put the 2 down and carry the 1.
Point  under point .
One  plus three is four plus two more is six .
So  answer there six point two one.

The  next one
5.9 plus fifteen point eight seven.
All  right now this is where it's very important our point under point .
Five  point nine plus fifteen point eight seven.
 You  can see the point is under the point.
And  then if we look at our decimal part hmm seems to be a gap there.
 Any  gaps we see we're going to fill up with zeros.
Okay , very important.
Ok particularly , when We  get to subtraction it's very important then. But we'll practice in addition as well .
So we have zero plus seven well that's seven.
9 Plus 8 is 17 so we put the 7 down and carry the 1.
Point  and the point.
Now  we've got two fives that's ten five and five is ten and one more is eleven with the one down and carry the one .
And finally one plus one is two.
 So  answer there 21 point seven seven.

Our  final question.
184 plus 12 plus 0.5 .
Okay  three numbers.
We 're adding this time.
 So let's get some working out space .
One  at a time 3.8 four there.
 It  is now we're adding 12.
 hmm I don't even see a decimal point there .
But if you have a whole number even though you don't see the decimal point is at the end of the number so that will be 12 point .
The 0.5 or let's write that out carefully .
Making sure that we keep the point under the point.
Okay  so there we have point under point nicely .
And  we have some spaces .
Mm  okay ,got some places to fill up what are we going to fill them up with zeros.
Okay  once we've done all that then it's the easy part.
4 plus 0 plus 0 is 4.
Eight  and zero is 8 plus 5 is 13 .
So  we put the 3 down and carry 1.
Point  under point .
Okay  make sure you put the point in your answer.
All  right what have we got on the top.
One  plus three is four plus two more is six .
And  nothing else so we have six.
 And finally just one there .
So answer there sixteen point three four.
Excellent, well that concludes the lesson  good luck with your questions


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