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Wednesday 4 October 2017



Hello what vehicle are you?
 I am a helicopter.
 I fly in the sky.
People  can travel to far-off  places using me.

Hi  what vehicle are you?
 I am a glider.
 I fly in the sky .
A  pilot flies me but I cannot cover far distances.

Hi  what vehicle are you?
 I am an airplane.
 I fly in the Sky.
 A  pilot flies me and people along with their luggage and that can travel inside me .

Wow, who are you ?
Hello  I am a hot air balloon.
I am very colorful and I fly according to the direction of the wind.
 I am used for rides.

 Hi  what vehicle are you?
 Hello, I am a tractor.
 Farmers  use me for farming.

Hello  who are you?
 I am a train.
 A  train driver drives me on tracks .
Many  people can sit inside me and go to faraway places .
I also carry heavy goods from one place to another .

Hello , who are you?
I am a car.
 You  can drive me and go out for picnics.

Hi , who are you?
 I am a bus
I carry kids to school .
You  will enjoy travelling inside me as I am very big.

Excuse me, who are you.
 Hi, I am a crane.
 Construction workers use me to lift heavy objects .

Oh, who are you?
 I am a police car.
 Many policemen sit inside me and catch thieves .
I am a powerful vehicle .

Hello, Who  are you ?
I am a truck .
You  can drive me on the road.
 I carry heavy loads from one place to another .

Hi , who are you?
I am an ambulance.
 I carry sick people to the hospital.

Hi , wait, who are you ?
I am a bicycle .
You can ride me in parks and on roads.

 Excuse me, who are you?
I am a fire truck.
 Many firefighters sit inside me and save people who are trapped in fires.

Who  are you?
 Hi , I'm a motorbike.
You  can drive me on the road.
 Two  people can sit on me.

Hi , who are you?
I am a yacht.
 I sail in water .
A  few people can sit inside me and cover long distances in  water.

Excuse me, who are you?
Hello, I am a rowboat.
 I sail in water.
 A few people can sit inside me .
Paddles  are used to push me forward .
Fishermen  use me for fishing.

Hi, who are you?
I am a sailboat .
I sail in water and people use me for sports.

Hello, who are you?
I am a ship .
I sail in water.
Many  people can sit inside me and cover long distances.

Wow, who are you?
Hello  I am a submarine .
I sail underwater.
People  cannot  see me unless I come up to the water surface.


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