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Tuesday 26 September 2017



Solar system is made up of one star .
A handful of planets more than a hundred moons millions of rocky asteroids and billions of comets.
 All these bodies revolve around the Sun because of the gravity of the Sun .
Gravity of the Sun is a force that pulls the objects toward the center of the Sun .
The Sun is the only star in our solar system.
 It is a huge ball of fire shooting light and heat in all directions.
 No living thing can survive without the Sun.
 All the planets and the moons use sun rays for their light .
There are eight planets in our solar system.
They are Mercury ,Venus,Earth ,Mars ,Jupiter ,Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune   .
Venus is the hottest planet of the solar system.

Earth is the planet where we live.
 It is the third planet from the Sun after Mercury and Venus
 Earth is the fifth biggest planet of the solar system but all the planets are tiny in comparison to the Sun.
 It takes 365 days to revolve around the Sun  earth looks blue from space because it is mainly covered by water .
Earth has one moon
There are many planets that have more than one moon.
 The moon revolves around the earth as well as the Sun .
It takes 24 hours to revolve around the earth .
The moon light we see from Earth is the light from the Sun.
There are some small rocky bodies in the solar system that have been left over from the formation of the planets.
 These are called asteroids.
 Asteroids don't have enough gravity to pull them into the shape of a ball .
Most of them lie in between Mars and Jupiter comets are balls of rock and ice that grow tails as they approach the Sun
Comets come from far-away and imaginary place at the edge of the solar system.
 As it moves closer to the Sun the glowing tails are visible
 As Comus heat up gas and dust are expelled and trail behind them .
All the stars that shine in the sky are like our Sun.
 Many solar systems together form a galaxy we live in the Milky Way galaxy which is spiral in shape .
Many galaxies together make the universe


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