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Monday 25 September 2017

Personal Hygiene


David and his friends are playing in the park .
It's getting dark and it's time to go home .

You must be hungry.
Have some snacks .
Yes but first I should watch my dirty hands  when I play in the park lots of dirt get stuck .

I use soap and water and sanitizer too.
 I wash my hands after I use the toilet
Ooh now David is doing his homework
Oh he sees his younger brother putting toys in
his mouth.
 Oh my sweet brother we never take a toy in our mouth .
 We never take a toy in our mouth .
No matter how so ever  pretty.
 It is you never know how unhealthy it is .

It's dinner time.
Let's wash our hands again .
I must keep myself clean .
I must keep myself clean.
I wash my hands before I eat.
 I wash my hands after I eat .
David shared his day's activities with his family at the dinner table.

Now he feels tired and needs to go to bed .
But we need to brush our teeth before we go to bed .
When I eat bits a few get stuck between my teeth it creates a lot of muck.
I brush my teeth in the morning .
I brush my teeth in the night.
I rinse my mouth after I eat and I rinse it well and right.

David likes to read books before he goes to sleep.
It's a lovely morning.
 I need to get ready for school .
David is ready to go to school .

Oh my David can not pay attention to what the teacher is saying.
 He is scratching his head now and then is there anything wrong.
Oh David has not cut his nails .
David is back at home but he is not feeling so great .
David goes to his mom and speaks to her about the bad day at school.  After listening to David his mom took him to take a shower.

Dusting's wet make my body dirty.
Dusting's wet make my body dirty.
When I take a shower I feel first like a flower.
I take a bath every day.
I take a bath every day.
I must keep myself clean .
I must keep myself clean.
I wash my hair, clean my hair and shampoo my hair .
I comb my hair .I comb my hair.
I trim my nails every week when my mom does it for me .

I stay healthy this way .
And I'm sure I'm ready to play .
I must keep myself clean yeah .
I know I must keep myself clean


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