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Thursday 28 September 2017

BÀI Our sense organs and their functions. - Các giác quan và chức năng.


Chapter three
Our sense organs and their functions.
All human beings have five sense organs.
These five senses are touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing.
We use our skin, nose ,tongue, eyes and ears to sense things.
Let us explore how these senses work together to make the world real around us.

God has given us beautiful eyes to see the things around us.
We are able to see different colors and shapes in our surroundings with the help of our eyes.

How are you able to hear your school bell ?
Right, It is with the help of our ears .
Not only the school bell, we are able to hear different sounds in our surroundings with the help of our ears.

Now, we have the nose which helps us to identify between the good and the bad smell .
Food and flowers give us fragrance.
 Whereas medicines and garbage have a bad smell.

This is our tongue .
We can taste different things that are sweet, sour, pungent or bitter with the help of our tongue.

This is our skin which helps us to feel.
We can feel hot and cold, soft and hard by touching.

Now, let us do some exercises.

1. choose the correct word from the bracket and fill in the blanks.
A. we see with our _____(eyes or ears)
B. we smell with our_____( tongue or nose)
C. we hear with our _____(skin or ears )
D. we feel with our _____(eyes or skin )
E .we get the taste of different things with our_____( tongue or ears).

2. Circle the correct sense organ used for the following.

A.   to see birds flying
    ears, eyes. nose.
B.     to listen to the girl's song
         nose, tongue ,ears .
C.    to know whether the table is rough or smooth
                           ears, nose, skin.
D.   to smell the fragrance of the Mogra flower .
                      skin ,ears, nose .
E.     to know the taste of a fruit .
              Tongue, nose, ears.
3.Match the sense organs with their functions .

Eyes :to read a book
Ears : Radio playing
Tongue : sweet or bitter
Nose : burning incense-stick


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