Chúng tôi lập ra blog này nhằm tạo 1 hệ thống các bài học môn Toán bằng Tiếng Anh , bao gồm video, listening scripts, từ vựng. Trong tương lai sẽ là các môn khoa học, kỹ năng sống. Chúng tôi rất mong nhận được những phản hồi, đóng góp lời dịch của các bạn. Cảm ơn bạn đã ghé qua blog này.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Albert Einstein

Học từ ngày hôm qua, sống ngày hôm nay, hi vọng cho ngày mai. Điều quan trọng nhất là không ngừng đặt câu hỏi.Albert Einstein

If we do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old.Lãnh chúa Chesterfield

Nếu ta không gieo trồng tri thức khi còn trẻ, nó sẽ không cho ta bóng râm khi ta về già.

"Where there is a will, there is a way" - Pauline Kael

"Nơi nào có ý chí, nơi đó có con đường"

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration" - Thomas Edison

"Thiên tài là một phần trăm cảm hứng và 99 phần trăm đổ mồ hôi"

"Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it." Thomas Fuller

"Kiến thức là một kho báu, nhưng thực hành là chìa khóa để mở nó"

Friday 29 September 2017



There are four seasons in a year : winter, spring, summer and autumn.

 Winter is the coldest season with lots of snow ice and frost all around.
 The days are short and the nights are long.
 We were coats, boots, gloves and scarfs to keep ourselves  warm.
Kids enjoy outdoor sledding, skating, snowmen building and snowboarding.

 Spring comes after winter.
 It is a time when the snow is melting.
 It rains a lot.
 Flowers bloom during spring and there is greenery all around.
 In many cultures, spring is celebrated because of its importance in food production and the sowing of the crops .
We wear raincoats and rain boots to protect ourselves from
the rain.
 Kids come outdoors to play to ride bikes, to fly kites or to plant gardens.

 Summer comes after spring.
 It is the hottest and sunniest time of the year.
 The days are long and the nights are short.
 We wear hats swimsuits, shorts, floaters and loose dresses that allow us to move comfortably in the hot dry weather.
 In most countries, children are out of school during this time of year for summer break.
 Kids like to have indoor fun and games.
 Outdoors, kids go to the beach to swim and enjoy watersports.

Autumn comes after summer.
 It is dry but much cooler than the summer.
 At this time leaves are changing color and falling.
In many cultures, fall is associated with harvest .
Vegetables and grains are ripe at this time.

We wear light jackets and kids like to play outdoor games like football, basketball, soccer and baseball

Thursday 28 September 2017



What are clouds?
Have you ever looked at clouds ?
Did they look like shapes?
Have you ever wished you could float on a cloud?
Clouds are fun to watch and think about .
But what are they really .
Did you know there are water drops in the air?
These water drops are so tiny that they float.
If there are a lot, they collect in groups .
When water collects in the air, it forms clouds.
 Clouds are made of water drops.
If it's cold,  they can be ice crystals.
Some days, there are no clouds to be seen.
On other days there are a few.
 And sometimes there are a lot .
It depends on how much water is in the air.
Some clouds are seen way up high .
Others are seen lower in the sky.
Clouds often look white but they can also look gray .
Why is that ?
The water droplets or ice crystals in clouds scatter all the light from the Sun.
 Light from the Sun is all the colors of the rainbow.
 But when all the colors are put together , they make white.
So clouds appear white in color .
But what about the gray clouds.
 As the clouds gather more water vapor and ice crystals, It becomes thicker and denser.
This results in scattering less light from the Sun.
 So the clouds appear gray in color.
Clouds are named for how they look.
Have you seen clouds that look like big heaps.
 Those are called cumulus clouds.
Cumulus means heap.
Have you seen some that look like wisps of hair .
Those are called cirrus clouds.
Cirrus means hair.
What about the layer of clouds that look like a blanket .
This is a Stratus cloud.
The word means layer.
Other cloud names are made of two different names put together .
The word for rain cloud is Nimbus .
Sometimes,  you'll see a cumulus heat cloud that is a rain cloud Nimbus.
This is called a cumulo-nimbus, cumulus and Nimbus cloud.
This means a piled up rain cloud.

Another example is a nimbostratus cloud.
This is a mix of Nimbus rain cloud and Stratus layer cloud.
 It's a stretched-out rain cloud .
Did you know that clouds tell us about the weather.
Cumulus clouds the heats tell us it will be sunny.
Cirrus clouds the wisps of hair tell us that the weather is about to change.
 If it's a sunny day, a storm may be on the way.
 Stratus clouds the layers.
Tell us there will be fog or drizzle.
 Fog is a cloud that is close to the earth.
Drizzle is light rain .
The big dark cumulonimbus clouds means bad weather.
They bring snow, hail and lightning.
Do you want to know the weather .
Look at the clouds.
Now, let's summarize what we've learned.

BÀI Our sense organs and their functions. - Các giác quan và chức năng.


Chapter three
Our sense organs and their functions.
All human beings have five sense organs.
These five senses are touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing.
We use our skin, nose ,tongue, eyes and ears to sense things.
Let us explore how these senses work together to make the world real around us.

God has given us beautiful eyes to see the things around us.
We are able to see different colors and shapes in our surroundings with the help of our eyes.

How are you able to hear your school bell ?
Right, It is with the help of our ears .
Not only the school bell, we are able to hear different sounds in our surroundings with the help of our ears.

Now, we have the nose which helps us to identify between the good and the bad smell .
Food and flowers give us fragrance.
 Whereas medicines and garbage have a bad smell.

This is our tongue .
We can taste different things that are sweet, sour, pungent or bitter with the help of our tongue.

This is our skin which helps us to feel.
We can feel hot and cold, soft and hard by touching.

Now, let us do some exercises.

1. choose the correct word from the bracket and fill in the blanks.
A. we see with our _____(eyes or ears)
B. we smell with our_____( tongue or nose)
C. we hear with our _____(skin or ears )
D. we feel with our _____(eyes or skin )
E .we get the taste of different things with our_____( tongue or ears).

2. Circle the correct sense organ used for the following.

A.   to see birds flying
    ears, eyes. nose.
B.     to listen to the girl's song
         nose, tongue ,ears .
C.    to know whether the table is rough or smooth
                           ears, nose, skin.
D.   to smell the fragrance of the Mogra flower .
                      skin ,ears, nose .
E.     to know the taste of a fruit .
              Tongue, nose, ears.
3.Match the sense organs with their functions .

Eyes :to read a book
Ears : Radio playing
Tongue : sweet or bitter
Nose : burning incense-stick

Wednesday 27 September 2017



What are magnets?
A magnet is something that can attract certain metals .
It has an invisible force that pulls the metals to itself .
This force is called magnetism .
Magnets have many uses .
They can stick things on hold things together and make machines work.
Do your cabinets have magnets that hold the door shut.
Do you have speakers in your home.
 These are made with magnets too.
Do you have a fan in your home .
Electric fans use magnets to make the blades turn around.
Did you know that almost every machine in your house has magnets in it.
Let's explore the world of magnets .
Now, where do we get magnets from?
Some rocks are natural magnets.
Here's a story about magnets.
 Long ago,a boy in ancient Greece walked across a big rock .
But as he walked across the rock it pulled the nails right out of his shoes.
 His shoes fell apart and the nails stuck to the rock.
 We don't know if this story is true or not.
But we do know that the word magnet comes from the name of a place magnesia where some of these natural magnet rocks were found.
Does a magnet attract all kinds of metals.
 No there are only certain metals that are attracted to a magnet.
They are iron , nickel and cobalt .
These metals can become magnets.
Let us now understand how do magnets work.
 Magnets come in different shapes.
They can be bar magnets, horseshoe magnets or ring magnets.
A magnet has two ends .
These are called the magnets poles.
One is called the North Pole and the other is called the South Pole.
The north pole of a magnet attracts the South Pole of another magnet that means it pulls the magnet toward itself .
And the South pole of a magnet attracts the North Pole of another magnet.
But magnets don't just attract .
They can also repel or push things away.
 If the North and South Poles of different magnets attract each other which poles
Do you think repel each other?
Yes ,you're correct the poles that are the same repel each other.
So a North Pole would repel another North Pole.
And a South Pole would repel another South Pole.
Can you tell which pair of magnets will attract and which will repel.
Yes you are right the magnets with opposite poles facing each other will attract and the ones with similar poles facing each other will repel.
The attraction and repulsion of a magnet is due to an invisible field around it called the magnetic field .
You may be wondering if the strength of this magnetic field is the same everywhere in a magnet.
Let's find this out by bringing a bar magnet close to some iron filings.
 Now observe carefully you can see that more iron filings are attracted to the ends of the magnet while less iron filings are attracted to its middle.
This shows that strength of this magnetic field is more at the ends and less at its center.
Let us now learn how our earth behaves as a magnet.
Have you ever seen a compass.
 A compass is a tool that helps people know which direction.
 They're going in .
A compass has a needle that has been turned into a magnet .
You can turn something into a magnet by rubbing it with a magnet .
The needle in the compass can spin .
The needle spins such that when it rests one end of the magnet points toward the north and one toward the south.
This works because the earth is like a big magnet .
There is iron inside the earth that gives our planet its magnetic
 Do you know about the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.
 They are a natural light display in the sky almost like fire-works .
They can be seen in the areas around the North and South
 They are caused by the Earth's magnetic fields .
Sometimes the Sun throws out a burst of energy.
 These bursts get caught in the magnetic field around the earth.
 They give off some beautiful bright colors.
 The northern and southern lights are one of the ways we know that
earth is a big magnet.
 You have learned that magnets can pull through Earth's
atmosphere .
Can they pull through liquids such as water .
Yes they can.
Can magnets pull through solids.
 Yes, magnets can pull through solids like paper.
As we've seen magnets are useful powerful and sometimes amazing
look around you and see how many ways magnets are used.

Now let's summarize what we've learned.

Tuesday 26 September 2017



What is energy?
Energy is the ability to do work.
We need energy for everything we do .
Energy is used all around us .
You can be an energy detective .
Look around yourself to see how energy is used.

Forms of energy.
There are many different forms of energy like heat energy, light energy and sound energy.
Due to this, there are many different ways in which we use energy.
Let's say a family is going to a reunion at a park.
It's a sunny day.
The Sun gives off energy.
It gives light and heat which are two forms of energy.

The father drives to the park .
The car is using energy .
The radio plays using another kind of energy .
At the park, everyone works to set up for the picnic.

Uncle Bob carries a big bag of charcoal for the grill .
Other people are carrying coolers filled with ice and drinks.
They're all using energy to move things.
While the adults are setting up for dinner .
The kids are playing .

Cousin Kevin has brought a kite .
The kite sails in the sky .
Energy is helping it fly .
Next the kids climb up a big hill .
Then they all rolled down the hill.
 They seem to get extra energy going down .

Uncle Bob made a fire in the grill to cook the food.
He rings a big bell when everything is ready .
 The kids come running to eat.
Everyone enjoys a great meal .
As you can see there are many different ways to use energy .
 Did you know there are many different ways to get energy too.

Let's look at some different sources of energy.
The day was warm and bright.
Where did the light and heat energy come from?
You got it right . 
 It's the Sun which gives us all this light and heat energy.
The people were walking talking and playing.

Where did their energy come from?
It came from the food they ate.
Where did the car get its energy to run?
It came from gasoline.

What about the cars radio?
It ran on electrical energy from the battery.
How was the kite held up in the sky?
By wind energy.

What gave the kids extra energy while going down the hill?
When the kids rolled down the hill .
Some of that energy came from gravity.
What kind of energy did Uncle Bob use to cook the food?
He used the fire that's heat energy.
What kind of energy reached the kids ears to tell them dinner was ready.
Absolutely correct, it's the sound energy.

What happens to energy after you use it?
Do you use it all up and it disappears.
No, energy never disappears.
It just changes into a different form.

Think about Uncle Bob at the picnic.
First, he used his body's energy to carry the bag of charcoal.
Uncle Bob used the charcoal to make fire which was energy for cooking the food.
When he was done cooking ,he used energy from his body to ring the bell that turned into sound energy for the kids to hear.

The kids used energy from their bodies to run to the picnic tables.
The food gave more energy to the children so they could go out and play some more.

Here is the summary of the lesson.