Welcome to decimals .
We 're used to seeing numbers like this.
But what about this.
This dot here shows us
that this number is not 24.
This is our whole number or our unit.
We have two units .
This is called a decimal
point .
And this is how many
tenths we have.
Tenths are a part of a whole number .
Numbers after the decimal
are similar to a fraction
They represent part of a
2.4 is in between 2 &
3 .
We can see this more accurately
when we add in the tenths.
In between every whole number ,there are ten tenths.
If we put an arrow
showing us where two-point-four goes.
This is where it would be
pointing it is 4/10 more than to.
Let me show you how this
looks using pizza .
This is one pizza.
Here we have two pizzas .
Here is where our decimal
point would go if we knew that, we had more than two pizzas and less than three pizzas.
This is what two point four
pizzas look like see.
We have two whole pizzas
and only part of the next pizza.
Let 's check that 12.4
See,We have four slices of a pizza that was cut into ten pieces.
See,We have four slices of a pizza that was cut into ten pieces.
Someone must have eaten
the other six slices.
So we only have two point
four pizzas left.
In activity one, you will
have to color in the amount you have using pictures.
Two point four colored in
looks like this.
Another way to show how many
of something we have is using a place value table.
We have two units and so
we write two in the unit's column .
The decimal goes in the decimal column.
And I wonder if you can
guess what goes in the tenths column.
That 's right it's a four because we have four tenths .
After the decimal the
further away from the point the smaller than number .
In activity one, you
learn about tenths and hundredths .
In this activity, you will have to fill in the place value table
and color in one of the grids .
This is how 1.92 looks in
a place value table .
We have it are one unit
or whole our decimal in our decimals column.
We have nine ten and two
hundredths .
This is a blank coloring
grid and when we've colored it in 1.9 - looks like this.
Use your imagination to
think about how much pizza that is.
We color in one unit because
we have one of them .
We color in nine tenths because we have nine of them.
And we color in two
hundredths because we have two of them.
So we fill in the table and we color in the
coloring grid.
When you are done for
each number ,you should have a table that's filled in and a colored grid.
It is now time to start activity one .
Make sure you watch this video
again if you're still unsure about
If you have any questions, make sure you either
write them down for me to answer for you next time or ask your teacher for help.
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