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Monday 2 October 2017



States of matter.

Matter  is everything that takes up space.
Everything  around you is matter.
The  air you breathe.
The  water you drink.
The  food you eat.

They  are all matter but they are all different kinds of matter .
The  air you breathe is a gas.
It  floats all around you .
The  water you drink is a liquid.
It  flows smoothly down your throat .
The  plate that holds your food is a solid.
You  can hold it in your hands.
Solids,  liquids and gases are the different states of matter.

Somethings  can easily change States.
Water  is a liquid.
If  you freeze, it it becomes ice a solid.
If  you boil it it becomes water vapor a gas.
Let 's  learn about solids first.

Solids  have shapes.
A  book is a solid in the shape of a rectangle.
A  ball is a solid in the shape of a circle.
Solids  are made of little pieces called particles.
They  are packed closely together .
They  can't move across each other or float away into space.
They  can be hard like a block or soft like a blanket.
They  can be heavy like a boulder or light like a feather.
They  can be hot like a pizza or cold like an icicle.
Here  are some objects.
Can  you figure out which of these are solids.
Let 's identify the solid.
A  book, toy car and a cup  all are solids.

Let 's learn about liquids now .
Liquids  do not have a shape.
They  take the shape of the container there in .
Water can fill a round bowl.
It  can fill a square pan.
It  can fill a tall glass.
Liquids  are also made of little pieces called particles .
The  particles of a  liquid are held together loosely.
They move and slide across each other.
When  you pour water, it flows into a container.
It 's not like a solid.

Solids  tumble and bang into each other.
Liquids  are soft and not hard.
They  can be hot like a mug of hot chocolate.
They  can be cold like a cold glass of lemonade .
Can  you identify which of these objects are liquids.
Let 's identify liquids.
Water, orange juice, milk and soup are all liquids.

Let 's learn about gases now.
Gas  particles are not held together.
They float away and fill up the space there in.
Gases  can be light or heavy.
A  gas called helium is lighter than air.
That 's why a helium balloon stays up.
Gases  can be hot or cold when you're outside on a winter day.
You can feel the cold air.
When  you come inside, you can feel the warm air.

Can  you identify different states of  matter in this picture.
Here  ice is the solid .
Water  is the liquid and clouds are made up of gas.

There  is another state of matter called plasma.
Plasma  is a gas that has been heated.
It  becomes charged with energy.
The  Sun and the stars are made of plasma.
Plasma  is seen on earth in lightning.
It can also be made and used by people.
We  use it to light up neon signs, for example.
Now, let's summarize what we've learned.


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