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Sunday 27 August 2017

Bài 7: Place value of two digit number


Starry, can you read the number shown here.
Yes, the number is seventy-two.
Let us see what happens if we change the position of the digits.

Now the number is twenty-seven.
Observe carefully Starry, in both these numbers we have used the same digits.
But the places of the digits is different.
Hence the value of the digits is also changed.

For example, consider the number 72.
The digit 7 shows the number of tens.
So, its place value is 7 tens that is seventy.
In which place in the digit 2 Starry?
Yes, the digit 2 shows the number of ones.
Hence the place value of 2 is 2 ones that is 2.

Let us take a look at the next number 27.
Here what does digit 2 show?
Yes, the digit 2 shows the number of tens. So its place value is 2 tens that is 20.
What about the digit 7 Starry?
Yes, digit 7 shows the number of ones. So its place value is 7 ones that is 7.

Have you understood Starry? Ok.
And let us write the place values of the digits in the given numbers!
Let’s see the number 36.
What does the digit 3 show?
Yes, the digit 3 shows 3 tens. So its place value is 30.
The place value of 6 is 6.
Since, it shows 6 ones.

Hey Starry, see in 44. Both of the digits are 4.
Will they have same place values or different.
You are right, Starry! Both the 4 we have different place values.
The 4 in the tens place has placed value 40.
The 4 in the ones place has placed value 4.

Look at the next number 93.
Can you tell me the place value of 9, Starry?
Yes,9 shows the number of tens. So its place value is 90.
The place value of 3 is 3 ones. That is 3.

Starry, do you know the sum of the place values of the digit of a number is equal to the number itself.
Look at this example consider the number 48.
Can you tell me the place value of the digit.
Yes,4 is the tens place digit. So its place value is 40.
8 is the ones place digit. So its place value 8.
Sum of the place value: 40 plus 8 that is 48

Starry, now can you write the number 62 as the sum of the place values of its digits?

Yes, in the number 62 the digit 6 is the tens place digit. So its place value is 60.
The digit 2 is the ones place digit. So its place value is 2.
Hence the number 62 is written as 60 plus 2.

Hey Starry, take a look at this abacus.
How many beads are there in the tens column.
Yes, there are 4 beads. So, we get 4 tens.
In the unit's column, there are 7 beads. So, we get 7 units.
Can you tell which number is formed Starry?
Yes, 4 tens and 7 units means 40 plus 7 that is 47.

Let us show the next example Starry!
Fill in the blanks with correct digits.
Look at the first sentence.
The place value of 7 in the number 71 is ____. Can you answer this?
Yes, 7 is in the ten place. So its place value is 70.

Let us write the next blank now.
If the tens place digit is 8 and the ones place digit is 3, then the number formed is ___ plus ____, that is ____.
What is the place value of 8 Starry?
8 is in the tens place. So its place value is 80.
The place value of 3 is 3, so the number formed is 80 plus 3 that is 83.

Now, the next one.
This is simple Starry! The place value of 1 in 21 is ____.
You seem excited, yes yes the answer is 1.

Let us fill in the last blank, in the number 30 the place value of 3 is ____. the answer is 30.

So Starry, did you understand the value of a digit will depend up on the place it is written.


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